Sze Lok Tim 施洛添

Higher Diploma in Creative Design and Media ( Moving Image )

Video Production , After Effect, Premiere


拍攝宗旨:「try your best 凡事做咗先,唔好只諗唔做,出嚟個結果係好嘅當然就最好,但做唔到就接受,完咗之後再諗下次點樣做好啲」

I am an introverted person,it is difficult for me to express my thoughts in words, but I will express them in my works.
My shooting purpose: try your best

ReStarting | 重新


My project called Restarting. As the name suggests, there is something that needs to be re start, and that thing is about the dream of the main actor.
This work is my own experience. I hope my own experience to encourage audiences who have the same experience not to give up their preferences because of others’ denial of them.In fact, this sentence is a reminder to myself.


MI FYP // Wong Tsun Kang // Friend 友晴


INT FYP // Au Sing Ho // Belive & Meet U Pastry Art & Baking of Academy