Wong King Leung 黄景良

Higher Diploma in Interior Design

Interior Design 室內設計, AutoCAD, SketchUp


The essence of Minimalism is simplicity, but simplicity without depth is merely cheap. It is not enough. ——Tadao Ando
I have no shortage of fantasies about the world, but there is a huge gap between reality and fantasy. Design is an important way for me to realize my fantasy and change the reality. In my opinion, the greatest romance in the world is to gradually realize your fantasy and turn it into reality. I like design and I like the moment of realizing my fantasy. I hope to become an excellent designer. To bring my fantasy to the world.

Nature Worship | 自然崇拜


Nature worship refers to the worship of all natural things as objects with will and great ability. Among them, totem worship is a kind of nature worship. Functionally, people build houses and worship nature in order to get shelter. So, is there a place to combine on interior design? Totems used as decoration are ancient designs. When the totem meaning happy family and good love is used in interior design, can it bring comfort and support to people's heart? This project is to try to expand the application of totem in the field of interior design and explore more possibilities.


INT FYP // Wang Jiatianchuan // Co-living 共同生活


INT FYP // Zhuang Qin // Inside Out Office