Ho Chit Ting 何哲霆

Higher Diploma in Interior Design

Interior Design 室內設計, Photoshop, Premiere, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Unreal Engine

大家好我係何哲霆,好高興可以入到港專室內設計,感謝導師Mike Ng 兩年教導,成功由室內設計白紙的我,找到目標 並可以獨立,量度繪圖,把我的作品呈現給大家。

希望嚟緊有更加多機會比我去挑戰自己,成為一個出色既設計師 ,創作出更加多美好嘅作品。

Hi everyone, I am Caspar Ho I am glad that I can learn interior design with my tutor Mr Mike Ng , he teach me from nothing to somethings , now I can do a project with professional skills like measuring site and build the 3D , Floor plan everything needed in a project .

I hope to have more opportunities in my further for challenges myself , become a professional designer and create more master piece on my future.

Greenland Cafe and Library


設計分為三個部份,咖啡廳,圖書館和休憩空間,三個區域看似不相連,實質環環相扣 。我的設計令這三個不同概念的感覺扣在一起。

我的作品嘗試用大量尺寸較大的玻璃,令顧客感受到寬敞舒適,不會感受到侷促 。而建築外亦佈置滿花草樹木,令顧客感受到世外桃源 ,放下手中的忙碌,享受一杯美味的咖啡。


INT FYP // Fung Ki Wai // OYSTER BAR


INT FYP // KAN KA KI // Black House