LI Guo quan 李國權

Diploma in Creative Design ( Visual Communication )

Graphic Design 平面設計, Photoshop, Illustrator

我喜歡設計 攝影 畫畫,在這三個範疇可以讓我發揮無限的想象空間,可以訓練我邏輯思維,偶爾也可以訓練我天馬行空的想象力,把藝術融入生活當中。

I am an unruly boy, so I often jump out of the frame to think about the problems I face in daily life and study.

I like design, photography and painting. These three categories can give full play to my imagination, train my logical thinking, and occasionally train my unconstrained imagination, so as to integrate art into life.

stubborn cutlery | 頑固餐具

這個收納箱的設計非常實用,可以防止紙巾盒從上面掉下來 ; 設有兩個櫃桶, 可放置一些文具和小飾物 ; 收納箱加設了塗層可以防水。而且,可以加設一個小時鐘,可提醒用家注意要平衡生活當中的工作 。有了這個收納箱,可令你的工作檯更整潔,工作時更輕鬆。

The design of this storage box is very practical, which can prevent the tissue box from falling from the top; there are two cabinet buckets, which can store some stationery and small accessories; the storage box is coated with water resistance. Moreover, an hour clock can be added to remind users to pay attention to the work balance in their lives. With this organizer, you can keep your workbench tidier and work easier.


DIP FYP // Leung Oi Ling // Smart Hanger


DIP FYP // Sze Nga Yi